Lionel and Demian Martin

Cello and Piano

Gebrueder Martin

© Ronny Zimmermann

Two brothers, two instruments. One career more groundbreaking than the other. Lionel Martin (*2003) and his brother Demian (*1998) reunited as a duo a few years ago, having already deepened their relationship as children.

In the meantime, Lionel Martin has made an international name for himself on the cello and tours worldwide as a soloist with renowned orchestras and in various chamber music ensembles, including as a scholarship holder with “Mutter’s Virtuosi” and Anne-Sophie Mutter, at the Lucerne Festival, the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival and the Beethovenfest Bonn. In 2021 he won the “SWR2 New Talent” award. He received important musical inspiration from Lynn Harrell, Martti Rousi, Jens Peter Maintz, Jan Vogler and Yo-Yo Ma.

The older brother Demian studied with renowned teachers such as Prof. Konrad Elser and Prof. Noam Sivan (in piano improvisation). He also successfully passed the C examination to become a church organist and deepened his knowledge of film music and sound design at the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy. While still a student, he established himself as a piano cabaret artist, film music composer and improvisation artist.

In 2020, the duo from Tübingen were guests on Daniel Hope’s Hope@Home show and attracted international attention.

As part of :alpenarte 2024, they will surprise audiences with a special evening in the provincial capital of Bregenz: a mixture of their favorite repertoire, visual effects, moderation and improvisation on demand – an evening full of surprises.